This page last Updated on : 17th March 2024 is committed to providing our users with accurate and reliable information. We understand the importance of factual content in today’s information-dense world, and we strive to uphold the highest standards of journalistic integrity.
Fact-Checking Process
We implement a multi-pronged approach to fact-checking all content published on our website:
Source Verification: We verify the credibility of all sources used in our content. We prioritize information from reputable and established news organizations, academic journals, government websites, and subject-matter experts.
Evidence and Data: We strive to back up our claims with credible evidence and data. This may include statistics, research findings, quotes from experts, and official documents.
Multiple Perspectives: We present information from various perspectives whenever possible. This helps provide context and avoids bias.
Fact-Checking Team: We have a dedicated team of fact-checkers who review all content before publication. This team may include journalists, researchers, and editors with expertise in specific fields.
Transparency and Corrections
We are transparent about our fact-checking process and acknowledge that errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in a published piece, we will promptly correct it and include a clear notification on the article itself.
Here’s how we handle corrections:
Minor Errors: We will correct minor factual errors without a formal announcement.
Significant Errors: For more significant errors, we will update the article and include a clear note at the top of the page explaining the correction and the date it was made.
User Feedback
We encourage our users to provide feedback on our content. If you believe you have identified an error in a published piece, please contact us through our “Contact Us” page or email us at We will review all feedback and take appropriate action.
While we strive for accuracy in all our content, it’s important to acknowledge limitations. Rapidly evolving news events and complex topics may require further investigation or clarification.
In such cases, we will:
Clearly state the limitations of our information.
Provide links or resources for further exploration.
Update the content as new information becomes available.
Evolving Policy
This fact-checking policy is a living document and may be subject to change as our website and fact-checking practices evolve. We will update this policy periodically and notify users of any significant changes.